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For instructions on the use of individual Bloodlines products, please see the Gear pages.
Bloodlines is a multi-role player online role-playing game based in Second Life®. In Bloodlines, you tin roleplay a Vampire, a Lycan, an Angel, a Demon, or Hybrid combinations of whatever of these races. You lot tin can also stay man and roleplay in a globe of supernatural beings!
Getting Started
All yous need to play Bloodlines is i of the core race systems. At that place are currently five standard systems:
These systems come up with the following standard components:
- A HUD (Heads-Upward Display): This is a control panel that attaches to one of your HUD attachment points so it appears on your screen and provides you with buttons to perform the diverse actions in the game.
- A Nexus Object: This is an object that attaches to your avatar and communicates with your HUD. It manages animations and effects on your avatar. Y'all must wearable your Nexus object in order to utilise many of the core functions of your HUD. The Nexus is invisible past default and will not change your appearance unless you make it visible using your HUD, in which instance information technology will appear as an orb floating to a higher place your shoulder.
- Stat Viewer: This is avatar attachment that allows you to brandish your game stats over your head as floating text.
- Cosmetic attachments: Your race system may also include various corrective attachments. The Thirst includes vampire fangs, the Rage includes lycan claws, and the Ascent and Torment include angel and demon wings respectively. These are not required, and are simply used for visual enhancement and roleplay. You are not required to vesture these attachments, you can wear whatever cosmetic attachments you like. In previous versions of the Thirst and The Rage, the fangs and claws were required for the functions that the Nexus object now handles.
- Cosmetic victim attachments:This volition come up in the form of Vampire Bite Marks, Lycan Claw Wounds, the Corrupted Runestone, or the Exalted Runestone. This is an zipper that will be automatically offered to new people that you hunt and then they can wear them. These attachments respond to attacks past spraying blood (bite marks or hook wounds), or glowing (runestones). They are free and come with copy / transfer permissions, which ways you tin give copies of them to your friends, so yous can role-play attacking them.
Bloodlines Overview
Bloodlines is a system with many different optional game mechanics that yous can use to compete with other avatars or use for roleplaying. It is primarily a framework that you lot can employ in your own worlds with supernatural creatures, and does not have a detailed mythology or story behind it. We want to continue the system open and so you tin roleplay whatsoever mythology you like. Yous can roleplay supernatural characters in any time period or setting you similar.
1 of the master mechanics in Bloodlines has to do with attaining diverse race statuses. All players starting time out as human, regardless of which HUD they choose, and there are various paths to turning into the various races. If they are attacked by a Bloodlines vampire or lycan, some of their humanity is lost and transformed into either Vital Claret, feeding the vampire curse, or Lumens, feeding the lycan expletive. If they are attacked by an Angel or Demon, their humanity is lost and transformed into Ether or Ichor and the homo volition also gain Shift. Shift will allow a human to eventually go an Affections or Demon once 100% shift is collected. Once humanity is completely lost, a player switches to the condition of 'Revenant', or a walking undead. If they are at 100% Shift however, they volition instead become a 'Wraith' and be able to Ascend to the status of Angel or Demon. Only players with the Thirst or the Rage HUD will become Revenants and only players with the Ascent or Torment HUD can become Wraiths. From this indicate for Revenants, they can be filled with Vital Blood and Embraced every bit a Vampire, or filled with Lumens and Enraged as a lycan. Wraiths can fill up with Ether to get Consecrated every bit an Angel or Ichor to become Desecrated as a Demon. Or, if they fill themselves with a combination of two metrics, they tin can become a cross between two races (provided they have the necessary Shift if condign an Angelic or Demonic Hybrid), empowered with the strength of each, but also suffering both curses, to seek out Vital Blood, Lumens, Ether, or Ichor from the remaining humans. On your first attack, 5% of your humanity is lost, and more cannot be taken unless yous join the game. If someone simply owns the Virtue HUD, their humanity can be drained to nil without becoming a Revenant or Wraith, they just become devoid of humanity. Humans cannot be Embraced or Enraged unless they own the Thirst or the Rage HUDs and cannot be Consecrated or Desecrated without an Ascent or Torment HUD. A human who owns the Virtue HUD can cull to exist initiated into the Elderberry order, which requires a sacrifice of xx% humanity. An Elder operates just like the other Bloodlines Core Races in that they suffer the nightly curse and must replenish their metric which is humanity in this case.
Status | Action | Resulting Status |
Homo | Humanity reduced to 0% by vampire bites or lycan claws, and shift < 100% | Revenant (precursor to Lycan or Vampire) |
100% of humanity converted to 100% shift through angelic exaltations and demonic corruptions. | Wraith (precursor to Affections or Demon) | |
Wear the Virtue Ring (Initiated) and cede xx% Humanity | Elder | |
Revenant | Fills to 5L Vital (Embraced) | Vampire |
Fills to 50 Lumens (Enraged) | Lycan | |
Wraith | Fills to 5 Ichor (Desecrated) | Demon |
Fills to l Ether (Consecrated) | Angel | |
Elder | Drinks SnakeRoot | Homo |
Vampire | Fills to l Lumens (Enraged) | Vaewolf |
Fills to 5 Ichor (Desecrated) | Blood Demon | |
Fills to 50 Ether (Consecrated) | Blood Angel | |
Drinks Nightshade | Human | |
Lycan | Fills to 5 Vital (Embraced) | Vaewolf |
Fills to 5 Ichor (Desecrated) | Moon Demon | |
Fills to 50 Ether (Consecrated) | Moon Angel | |
Drinks Wolfsbane | Human | |
Angel | Fills to 5 Ichor (Desecrated) | Nephilem |
Fills to five Vital (Embraced) | Blood Angel | |
Fills to 50 Lumens (Enraged) | Moon Affections | |
Drinks Brimstone | Human being | |
Demon | Fills to 50 Ether (Consecrated) | Nephilem |
Fills to five Vital (Embraced) | Blood Demon | |
Fills to l Lumens (Enraged) | Moon Demon | |
Drinks Holy Water | Human |
In that location are many objectives to pursue in Bloodlines. Objectives depend on what kind of a character you want to play. Notwithstanding, everyone who has been turned into 1 of the core races must survive the nightly Curse.
Survive The Curse
All of the cadre races must endure their Expletive, which is linked to the metric they must proceed to a higher place 0. Vampires must collect and keep Vital Blood, Lycans must proceed Lumens, Angels must keep Ether, Demons must keep Ichor, and Elders must proceed Humanity. Each night, Vampires lose 0.25L of Vital Blood, Lycans lose 2.5 Lumens, Angels lose ii.five Ether, Demons lose 0.25 Ichor, and Elders lose 5% Humanity. Hybrids of whatever of these 2 races (except Elders) will lose both metrics of the races they are a hybrid of. However, hybrids must lose both of their associated metrics in order to be destroyed. For example, if a Vampire loses all of their Vital Blood, they will be destroyed, simply if a Blood Angel loses all of their Vital Blood, they will exist protected from devastation past their Ether. The complete loss of any metric non linked to the races y'all are turned as does non affect your status. For example, if you take the Thirst, Rage, and Rise HUDs, you lot can consume Vital Blood, Lumens, and Ether. If you became turned equally a Vampire and an Angel, you would go a hybrid: a Blood Affections. You could and then eat full lumens, or lose all of your lumens, and it would non touch your condition, because you lot are not turned as a Lycan.
Amulets tin be purchased that will protect you lot from the Expletive for given amounts of time, or indefinitely. Any amulet protects against all metric loss when the Curse takes outcome.
- Objective #ane: Get Turned
To become turned into 1 of the core races, you must first lose your homo status. This can be done by accepting attacks or shifts from other avatars. Each attack or shift will reduce your humanity, and put y'all closer to becoming a revenant or a wraith. Each attack from a vampire or lycan reduced your humanity, but does not touch your shift. If it is reduced to 0, you will go a revenant. If you accept exaltations or corruptions from Angels or Demons, it converts your humanity into shift. One time your shift is at 100% and your humanity is at 0, you volition go a wraith. Only revenants can become Vampires or Lycans, and only wraiths can become Angels or Demons. Optionally, you can cull to be initiated into the Elder society for a sacrifice of xx% Humanity. - Objective #ii: Increase your status through hunting and family-building.
Status is based on the number of full souls collected. You can proceeds souls by being the offset to attack someone who and so joins Bloodlines by wearing one of the HUDs. Your total souls is the sum of the souls you take collected, and the souls collected by your minions. Minions are those avatars who have set you equally their liege. See the Families section for more than info on families. The more minions you have, and the more than souls they have, the higher your status will become. Be a skilful liege to your minions, because if they decide to pledge allegiance to someone else, you will lose thier souls from your soul total. You might think of a soul every bit one vote in determining who the highest ranked vampire is. The more souls you collect, the more power you lot have in determining who is on meridian. - Objective #3: Accumulate wealth
Bloodlines metrics have value. You can accumulate wealth by storing Bloodlines metrics in containers. The Bloodlines store sells Tanks and Casks to concur Vital Blood, Iron and Os Prisms to hold lumens, Vessels to hold Ether, and Urns to hold Ichor. You can buy them full, or yous can purchase them empty and fill up them yourself with the metrics you collect. Everyone will know who the wealthiest are, and they may turn to you lot when they are desperate for blood or lumens. You can manage lists of the others that are allowed to beverage from your containers, or set up and sell drinks direct from your containers in exchange for Lindens.
For Humans:
- Objective #1: Survive and thrive in a supernatural earth.
Many humans are drawn to the thrill and take chances of living amid supernatural creatures. With the Human HUD, you tin offer them your humanity and be a part of their family. - Objective #2: Collect blood and lumen trophies.
You can collect Blood and Lumen Vials from vampires and lycans and trade them with others. - Objective #iii: Drinkable cider to restore humanity.
Cider will restore humanity, and a shop of cider will make yous a very attractive friend to vampires and lycans. You can even set upward a cider tavern for humans to gather at. - Objective #4: Bring together the Elder society.
Core Race Interaction
The four cadre races as well equally human Elders tin can all interact with and assault each other. You tin ain any combination of HUDs, and maintain any race that those combination of HUDs allows, depending on how you use them. There is always a path to getting from one race or condition to another.
In order to drink the metric associated with a given race, you must own the HUD for that race. So, in gild to collect Vital Claret, Lumens, Ether, or Ichor, you must own the Thirst, the Rage, the Ascent, and the Torment respectively. If y'all assault another player with one of these HUDs, you will always collect the metric associated with that HUD. Merely, the victim may lose a dissimilar metric, and this metric will exist converted into the metric yous are collecting. For example, the Ascent e'er collects Ether, just your victim might lose humanity or a different metric, depending on what they accept. Each HUD takes victim metrics according to the priority listed in the tabular array beneath. This means that metrics before in the list volition be taken showtime if they are above 0. If they are 0, so information technology will move onto the next detail in the listing until it finds metrics to accept. So, a vampire bite volition merely draw Vital Claret from a victim if that victim has no other metric above 0 except Vital Blood. Metrics are always converted to their equivalent value in the attacker's metric. That ways that 10% humanity is converted into 0.five Vital, 0.5 Ichor, 5 Lumens, or 5 Ether. Elders by default will own the Virtue HUD and all victim metrics in this case will be converted to Humanity.
HUD | Attacker collects | Victim metric priority |
The Thirst | Vital Claret | Humanity, Ichor, Ether, Lumens, Vital Blood |
The Rage | Lumens | Humanity, Ether, Ichor, Vital Blood, Lumens |
The Ascent | Ether | Humanity, Lumens, Vital Blood, Ichor, Ether |
The Torment | Ichor | Humanity, Vital Blood, Lumens, Ether, Ichor |
The Virtue | Humanity | Vital Blood, Lumens, Ether, Ichor, Humanity |
If you are a hybrid of whatever 2 races, you will e'er be dominant in one of those races, depending on your metric pct. If you are a Nephilem (Angel / Demon hybrid), then you may be Affections-ascendant if your Ether percentage is higher than your Demon percentage, and vice versa. For example, if your Ichor was at four Therms, and your Ether was at 30 Auras, you would exist Demon-ascendant, because your Ichor percent (4/five, or lxxx%), would be college than your ether percentage (30/fifty, or 60%).
You can own whatsoever combination of HUDs and all the same remain human. Humans tin ain souls, but only if they own one of the other core race HUDs, considering you need to be able to perform attacks in gild to gain souls. For more information well-nigh Humans, see the Human HUD instructions.
Your first attacker will receive your soul when you join the game, unless you drink the Wormwood potion before you join, then the side by side person to set on y'all after you bring together will receive your soul. The person who receives your soul isn't necessarily your liege or clan leader, yous can nevertheless pledge fidelity to whoever y'all want to. Souls determine the structure of the Bloodline, and make up one's mind Royalty. Generations are ranked by the number of souls you lot personally take taken. As well, if you pledge allegiance to another, your souls will total upward to them. Societal status, or royalty, is determined past the number of full souls that you lot and your minions have nerveless. Souls don't total upwards from minions that are destroyed or human, and the totals are updated every night at midnight, SL time.
The souls you collect yourself determine your generation, or your place in the bloodline. The available places in each generation increase exponentially in powers of 2. There is merely one bachelor spot in generation ane, ii in generation two, 4 in generation 3, 8 in generation iv, sixteen in generation 5, 32 in generation half-dozen, and so on.
The souls nerveless by yous and the Minions lieged to yous determine your Royalty status and rank. The higher your total, the higher your status, and also the higher yous will rise on the Royalty ranking. When Minions come and go, however, your soul total may fluctuate by the number they ain. Your Royalty status and Rank will fluctuate appropriately.
Anyone can form a Bloodlines group using their HUD. Just click on the settings button (the round gear push button beneath the hud), and select 'group', then 'set group', so follow the instructions to set your group name. Or, you lot can use your HUD to pledge allegiance to another group leader, becoming their minion. Groups are designated as vampire clans, lycan packs, homo guilds, or hybrid hordes depending on the status of the group leader. If the leader is a vampire, and then it is a clan, if the leader is a lycan, and so it is a pack, if the leader is a human, then it is a social club, and if the leader is a hybrid, and then it is a horde. Whatever race can join whatever grouping. So, vampire clans tin can have lycans in them, and vice versa. Your hud as well gives you the ability to remove or ban minions that have pledged to you. When a minion pledges fidelity to you, their souls add to your soul full, determining your status in the royalty rankings. In this way, a player that has nerveless many souls has more than power to decide who are the highest-ranked. In this way, royalty are elected by their minions, and the more than soul you collect, the more votes y'all get.
Potions can be used for various purposes: reversing turns, moving souls, or reversing attacks. The Bloodlines potions are described beneath:
- Turn reversing potions:
- Nightshade: this potion cures vampirism. If a currently embraced vampire drinks the Nightshade potion, then their vital claret will be transformed to humanity (5L vital claret = 100% humanity), and they will no longer suffer the vampire curse. If the potion is used by a hybrid, and then the vampire expletive is undone, only the remaining race is retained. If the metric associated with the remaining race is zero, vital blood will be converted to that metric.
- Wolfsbane: this potion cures lycanism. If a currently enraged lycan drinks the Wolfsbane potion, and then their lumens volition exist transformed to humanity (fifty Lumens = 100% humanity), and they will no longer endure the lycan curse. If the potion is used past a hybrid, and then the lycan curse is undone, but the remaining race is retained. If the metric associated with the remaining race is goose egg, lumens volition exist converted to that metric.
- Holy Water: this potion cures demonism. If a currently corrupted demon drinks the Holy Water potion, then their ochor will be transformed to humanity (five Ichor = 100% humanity), and they will no longer suffer the demon curse. If the potion is used past a hybrid, then the desecration is undone, but the remaining race is retained. If the metric associated with the remaining race is zippo, ichor will be converted to that metric.
- Brimstone: this potion cures angelism. If a currently consecrated angel drinks the Brimstone potion, then their ether will be transformed to humanity (50 Ether = 100% humanity), and they will no longer endure the affections curse. If the potion is used by a hybrid, then the consecration is undone, merely the remaining race is retained. If the metric associated with the remaining race is nil, ether volition exist converted to that metric.
- Snakeroot: this potion uninitiates an Elder. If a currently initiated man Elder drinks the Snakeroot potion they will no longer suffer the Elderberry curse and they will return to the condition of normal man.
- Hemlock: if your soul has been lost to the completeness (pregnant that your soul keeper was destroyed), then yous can beverage the Hemlock potion, and the next person to attack you volition receive your soul.
- Wormwood: if yous have been attacked by a Bloodlines monster, but you oasis't joined the game yet, and then your soul is considered to be "in Limbo". If your soul is in Limbo, and you drink the wormwood potion, then your soul will become to the next person to seize with teeth you, instead of the showtime.
- Electrum: this potion is used to motility your soul forcibly from 1 avatar to another. The avatar receiving your soul must ransom a soul dorsum to your current soul keeper in gild to get your soul. This potion can simply be used in one case every xc days.
- Mandrake: Mandrake is a potion with a bounden spell that you can utilise every bit insurance if y'all choose to buy a HUD for a new minion. If y'all splash the Mandrake on them earlier they wearable the HUD, their soul can merely go to yous.
- Valerian: Valerian is a potion with a forgetting spell that will erase the memory of previous bites or hook attacks. If you potable this potion, you tin can select a name, and this proper name will no longer appear on your assault list, nor you lot on theirs.
Storage Containers for Blood, Lumens, and Cider
Each player can hold up to 5L Vital Blood, fifty Lumens, 5 Ichor, and l Ether within their trunk. If more is desired, blood containers to store extra vital blood, prisms to store extra lumens, urns to store extra ichor, and vessels to store actress ether can be obtained. These containers can also exist used to purchase, trade, and sell these metrics. Metric purchases fabricated from places other than the official Bloodlines stores on Liquid Designs property are not guaranteed. Y'all may be able to obtain a better cost elsewhere, just there is risk involved, and in making purchases from unofficial sources, yous accept this risk. Cider containers tin be drank from to restore humanity, only tin only be refilled past Cider Jugs or Bloodlines Refill Stations. Humanity cannot be turned back into Cider.
How to Move Your Soul
There are several ways to move your soul if it'southward somewhere where you lot don't desire it to be. See the table below for your options for moving your soul. It is impossible to own your own soul. One time information technology is lost, you tin can just have it moved to some other avatar.
Soul Location | Options |
Limbo | Your soul is in limbo when you've been attacked past a bloodlines vampire or lycan, only you haven't joined Bloodlines yet. If you lot join, your soul will go to the first person who attacked y'all. If you'd like information technology to go to someone else, and then you would need to potable The Wormwood Potion, so your soul volition exist transferred to the adjacent person to bite yous, instead of the first. |
Abyss | When the avatar who previously held your soul becomes destroyed, your soul is lost to the abyss. If you drink The Hemlock Potion, so your soul can become rescued, and the adjacent person to bite you will receive your soul. |
Possessed | past some other avatar If your soul is possessed by another avatar, the all-time way to motility information technology is to make a bargain with that avatar, and take the person who y'all wish to hold your soul retrieve information technology using The Soul Reaper. If the soul possessor is unwilling to bargain with you, y'all tin can think information technology by force using The Electrum Potion. Withal, in order to utilise the Electrum potion, the avatar that y'all choose to receive your soul must ransom a soul in render for yours. Also, the Electrum potion may be used only once by each avatar every xc days, so choose your soul keeper wisely. |
How to Alter Races
If you are currently ane race and wish to be another, you will need to perform two processes. The first is to drink the Plow Reversing potion appropriate to your race (listed above, Nightsade for Vampire, etc.) so that yous tin can lose whatever race you currently are. And then you volition need to fill upwards to 100% on whatever metric your desired race will be (Ichor for Demons, etc.) in society to transform to the new race.
If you simply want to become a Hybrid of your current race and a new one, you tin can skip the Turn Reversing potion and only fill upwardly on the metric necessary to turn to the addition race. From that point forward you volition suffer both Curses.
One caveat to these processes is if you wish to become Corrupted as a Demon or Consecrated as an Affections, you must reach 100% Shift get-go, then fill up on the necessary metric to plough. If you are currently a Vampire or Lycan and but wish to add an Affections or Demon side, you do not need to Shift, and may simply fill up on either Ichor or Ether to plow.
Humans & Apples
For those that wish to remain human, but assist a vampire or lycan Liege, in that location are apple trees, majority apples, and cider drinks which volition regenerate human blood. If a man eats a unmarried apple, they will gain five% humanity, which can then exist drained by a vampire or lycan.
The deity system is an addition system where anyone with a condition above King, Queen, or Alpha can accept Claret and Lumen Sacrifices at Altars. If they receive enough sacrifices, they will become "Deified", and turn into a Demigod. In social club to reach Demigod condition, 1 must collect at least one thousand Claret Equivalent. So, one liter of blood, 10 lumens, or 20 humanity sacrificed at an altar are each worth 1 Blood Equivalent.
The Demigods with the most sacrifices fabricated in their laurels get Gods. There can only be ten Gods, one of each race: Vampire, Lycan, Angel, Demon, Vaewolf, Nephilem, Blood Affections, Blood Demon, Moon Affections, and Moon Demon.
Blood or Lumens can be sacrificed to any Male monarch, Queen, Alpha, Archangel, or Archdemon with an Altar prepare, just Blood can merely be sacrificed to a Blood Chantry, and Lumens can only be sacrificed to a Lumen Altar, then forth. Humanity can exist directly sacrificed at either altar. You don't need to be a Rex/Queen/Alpha to set an altar, just an chantry can but exist set to receive sacrifices for a King/Queen/Alpha/Archangel/Archdemon. Anyone tin set upward an altar to receive sacrifices for any King/Queen/Blastoff/Archangel/Archdemon.
To learn more about how Altars piece of work, encounter the Blood Chantry or Lumen Altar gear pages.
Deity Condition Symbols
Vampire | Lycan | Angel | Demon | Vaewolf | Nephilem | Claret Angel | Claret Demon | Moon Angel | Moon Demon | |
God | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Demigod | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Status is largely determined by total souls, which is the sum of your personal souls plus the souls of all of your straight minions. Run into the table below for a listing of the statuses and what you need to achieve in order to obtain them.
Once yous accept achieved the status of King, Queen, Alpha, Archangel or Archdemon, you can endeavor to gain stars on these statuses. Stars are added to your King, Queen, Alpha, Archangel, or Archdemon status based on your minions, and the number of souls they hold. For example, to get ane star, you need at to the lowest degree 10 minions with at least ten souls each. Come across the table beneath for amounts to receive more than stars.
The minions who piece of work together to boost a liege to a starred status go a court. So, if you are 1 of the minions under a 1-star liege with the required number of souls, yous are role of a one-star courtroom, and you would be considered a 1-star minion. There is no limit to the number of minions that tin be in a court. You could accept xi or more minions in a one-star court, even though only 10 are required. However, if members of the court leave or lose souls such that the liege drops below the required number of minions and souls, all minions in the courtroom volition lose their status members of a starred court.
However, only having enough souls to star a liege gives whatever player a special starred condition equally a potential starred minion and member of a court..
Minion Stars
On your Bloodlines profile, you can see how many stars y'all potentially have to offer based on your soul count, and how many stars are actually in use as function of a court. For instance, you lot could take 30 souls, and this would give you lot 5 potential stars. But, if your liege only had 20 minions who had 20 or more souls, they would be a three-star liege, and you would accept 3 stars in utilise, and exist a function of a 3-star court. Y'all can see what this looks like in the symbol to the left. Y'all can click on the stars below your status symbol to view more data.
On your list of minions on your profile, you may see stars next to a minion'due south name. These stars bespeak the status of that item minion. If you see stars that match the color of the text, like this:
, it means that this minion is starred royalty. Three colored stars, similar shown here, indicates a 3-star King, Queen, or Alpha. If you see glowing white stars accompanied by grey stars, like this:
, it means that this minion is part of your court. The glowing stars are the stars actually being used. This example shows 2/3 stars lit. If you had this minion, it would mean that you are 2-star royalty, and this minion is part of your courtroom. Yet, they take plenty souls to be in a 3-star court (20-24).
Something else to recognize is that if your other court members gain enough souls in order to lift the court up an boosted star, if you don't have enough souls to be a role of the current star level, you will no longer exist a member of the court. For example, if you and xv fellow minions each have 14 souls, you will have a i-star liege, and all xvi of y'all will be part of a ane-star court. If your xv courtroom members each gain 1 boosted soul each, then your liege will go upwardly to ii stars, but since y'all only have xiv souls, you will no longer be a part of the court. If you gain one boosted soul yourself, then you will rejoin the new 2-star court and have 2 active stars.
Status Definitions: Vampire
Badge | Status | Definition |
![]() | Human | Everyone with a humanity greater than 0% |
![]() | Revenant | Reached 0% Humanity (but not 100% Shift). |
![]() | Vampire | Reached 0% Humanity and 5 Liters of Vital Blood. |
![]() | Bloodletter | Collected 10 total souls. |
![]() | Tormentor | Collected 25 total souls. |
![]() | Hellion | Collected 50 total souls. |
![]() | Impaler | Collected 100 total souls. |
![]() | Deathmerchant | Collected 150 total souls. |
![]() | Archfiend / Archfiendess | Collected 200 total souls. |
![]() | Count / Countess | Collected 250 full souls. |
![]() | Baron / Baroness | Collected 300 full souls. |
![]() | Prince / Princess | Collected 350 total souls. |
![]() | King / Queen | Collected 400 total souls. |
![]() | 1-Star Male monarch/Queen | Reached King or Queen status, plus have at least ten minions with at least ten souls each. |
![]() | 2-Star King/Queen | Reached Male monarch or Queen status, plus take at least 15 minions with at to the lowest degree 15 souls each. |
![]() | iii-Star Male monarch/Queen | Reached King or Queen condition, plus have at to the lowest degree 20 minions with at least 20 souls each. |
![]() | 4-Star Rex/Queen | Reached Male monarch or Queen status, plus have at least 25 minions with at least 25 souls each. |
![]() | v-Star King/Queen | Reached Male monarch or Queen status, plus have at least 30 minions with at least 30 souls each. |
![]() | Emperor / Empress | Reached King or Queen status, plus take starred Kings and Queens as minions with a sum total of twenty stars between them. This could be 20 minions with 1 star each, or x minions with two stars each, etc. |
![]() | Destroyed | When your vital blood drops to 0 and your souls are taken by the Curse. |
Status Definitions: Lycan
Bluecoat | Status | Definition |
![]() | Human | Everyone with a humanity greater than 0% |
![]() | Revenant | Reached 0% Humanity (but not 100% Shift). |
![]() | Lycan | Reached 0% Humanity and l Lumens of moonlight. |
![]() | Mauler | Collected x total souls. |
![]() | Brute | Collected 25 total souls. |
![]() | Behemoth | Nerveless 50 full souls. |
![]() | Dreadnought | Nerveless 100 total souls. |
![]() | Hellbeast | Collected 150 total souls. |
![]() | Berserker | Collected 200 total souls. |
![]() | Goliath | Collected 250 total souls. |
![]() | Colossus | Collected 300 total souls. |
![]() | Primus | Nerveless 350 total souls. |
![]() | Alpha | Nerveless 400 total souls. |
![]() | i-Star Alpha | Reached Alpha condition, plus have at least ten minions with at least ten souls each. |
![]() | 2-Star Alpha | Reached Blastoff condition, plus have at least 15 minions with at least xv souls each. |
![]() | three-Star Alpha | Reached Alpha status, plus have at to the lowest degree 20 minions with at least 20 souls each. |
![]() | four-Star Blastoff | Reached Alpha status, plus have at to the lowest degree 25 minions with at least 25 souls each. |
![]() | 5-Star Blastoff | Reached Alpha status, plus accept at least 30 minions with at least 30 souls each. |
![]() | Emperor / Empress | Reached Alpha condition, plus have starred Alphas as minions with a sum total of twenty stars between them. This could exist twenty minions with 1 star each, or 10 minions with 2 stars each, etc. |
![]() | Destroyed | When your lumens drops to 0 and your souls are taken by the Curse. |
Status Definitions: Angel
Badge | Condition | Definition |
![]() | Human | Everyone with a humanity greater than 0% |
![]() | Wraith | Reached 0% Humanity and 100% Shift. |
![]() | Angel | Reached 0% Humanity and 50 Auras of Ether. |
![]() | Watcher | Collected 10 total souls. |
![]() | Messenger | Collected 25 total souls. |
![]() | Purifier | Collected l total souls. |
![]() | Guardian | Collected 100 total souls. |
![]() | Protector | Collected 150 total souls. |
![]() | Adjudicator | Collected 200 total souls. |
![]() | Malakim | Collected 250 total souls. |
![]() | Cherubim | Nerveless 300 total souls. |
![]() | Seraphim | Nerveless 350 total souls. |
![]() | Archangel | Collected 400 total souls. |
![]() | 1-Star Archangel | Reached Archangel status, plus have at least ten minions with at least 10 souls each. |
![]() | ii-Star Archangel | Reached Archangel status, plus have at to the lowest degree fifteen minions with at least 15 souls each. |
![]() | iii-Star Archangel | Reached Archangel status, plus have at least 20 minions with at least 20 souls each. |
![]() | iv-Star Archangel | Reached Archangel status, plus have at least 25 minions with at to the lowest degree 25 souls each. |
![]() | five-Star Archangel | Reached Archangel status, plus have at least 30 minions with at to the lowest degree xxx souls each. |
![]() | Supreme Archangel | Reached Archangel status, plus have starred Archangels equally minions with a sum total of 20 stars betwixt them. This could exist 20 minions with ane star each, or 10 minions with 2 stars each, etc. |
![]() | Destroyed | When your Ether drops to 0 and your souls are taken by the Curse. |
Condition Definitions: Demon
Bluecoat | Status | Definition |
![]() | Human being | Everyone with a humanity greater than 0% |
![]() | Wraith | Reached 0% Humanity and 100% Shift. |
![]() | Demon | Reached 0% Humanity and five Therms of Ichor. |
![]() | Defiler | Nerveless 10 total souls. |
![]() | Violator | Collected 25 total souls. |
![]() | Despoiler | Collected 50 full souls. |
![]() | Ensnarer | Collected 100 full souls. |
![]() | Desecrator | Collected 150 total souls. |
![]() | Corruptor | Collected 200 total souls. |
![]() | Devastator | Collected 250 total souls. |
![]() | Revenger | Collected 300 full souls. |
![]() | Devourer | Collected 350 total souls. |
![]() | Archdemon | Nerveless 400 total souls. |
![]() | 1-Star Archdemon | Reached Archdemon status, plus take at least ten minions with at least 10 souls each. |
![]() | 2-Star Archdemon | Reached Archdemon status, plus accept at least 15 minions with at to the lowest degree 15 souls each. |
![]() | 3-Star Archdemon | Reached Archdemon status, plus have at to the lowest degree 20 minions with at least 20 souls each. |
![]() | 4-Star Archdemon | Reached Archdemon status, plus accept at least 25 minions with at to the lowest degree 25 souls each. |
![]() | 5-Star Archdemon | Reached Archdemon status, plus have at least 30 minions with at to the lowest degree xxx souls each. |
![]() | Supreme Archdemon | Reached Archdemon status, plus have starred Archdemons every bit minions with a sum total of twenty stars between them. This could be twenty minions with ane star each, or 10 minions with two stars each, etc. |
![]() | Destroyed | When your Ichor drops to 0 and your souls are taken by the Curse. |
Status Definitions: Elder
Badge | Status | Definition |
![]() | Man | Everyone with a humanity greater than 0%, uninitiated as Elder. |
![]() | Elder | Sacrificed 20% humanity to become an Elder. |
![]() | Monk | Nerveless x total souls. |
![]() | Praetor | Nerveless 25 total souls. |
![]() | Firekeeper | Collected 50 full souls. |
![]() | Tetrarch | Nerveless 100 total souls. |
![]() | Antique | Nerveless 150 total souls. |
![]() | Intelligentsia | Collected 200 total souls. |
![]() | Loremaster | Collected 250 total souls. |
![]() | Chancellor | Collected 300 full souls. |
![]() | Magistrate | Nerveless 350 total souls. |
![]() | Imperator | Collected 400 total souls. |
![]() | 1-Star | Reached Imperator condition, plus accept at to the lowest degree 10 minions with at least 10 souls each. |
![]() | 2-Star | Reached Imperator status, plus accept at least 15 minions with at to the lowest degree fifteen souls each. |
![]() | 3-Star | Reached Imperator status, plus accept at least twenty minions with at least 20 souls each. |
![]() | iv-Star | Reached Imperator status, plus have at least 25 minions with at to the lowest degree 25 souls each. |
![]() | five-Star | Reached Imperator status, plus have at least 30 minions with at least thirty souls each. |
![]() | Maximus | Reached Imperator status, plus have starred Imperators equally minions with a sum full of xx stars between them. This could be xx minions with 1 star each, or 10 minions with 2 stars each, etc. |
![]() | Destroyed | When your Humanity drops to 0 and your souls are taken past the Curse. |
Rarity is a characteristic that gives each Bloodlines player a "rarity" rating. In general, the more you have done or achieved in Bloodlines, the higher your rarity becomes. Possible rarity ratings are:
Rarity Name | Rarity Meter | Requirements | Soul Points |
Mutual | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | No requirements, common is the everyman rarity. | 0 |
Uncommon | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | At to the lowest degree 21 rarity points (see beneath), any source. | 3 |
Rare | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | At least 42 rarity points (come across below) 5 unlike achievements at Level 5 or above * Status of at least Bloodletter / Mauler / Watcher / Defiler | 25 |
Ultra-rare | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | At least 64 rarity points (see below) 7 different achievements at Level 5 or above * Condition of at least Impaler / Dreadnought / Guardian / Ensnarer 10-signal Item Bonus (run across below) Infinity Amulet | 50 |
Legendary | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | At least 80 rarity points (come across below) 10 different achievements at Level 5 or to a higher place * Status of at least King / Queen / Blastoff / Archangel / Archdemon ten-point Particular Bonus (see below) Infinity Amulet | 150 |
* Max of 4 achievements from the following categories count for soul rarity points: Frenzy, Berserk, Ravenous, Soul Trader, Soul Trafficker.
Rarity Points
You tin get rarity points in the post-obit ways:
Indicate source | Possible points | |
Infinity Amulet | Ain the Infinity Amulet | 25 |
HUDs | Own Race HUDs (Thirst, Rage, Human HUD, Ascent, or Torment), 2 points each, max of 6 | 6 |
Soul Reaper | Own the Soul Reaper | 1 |
Enhanced Metric Collection | Ain the Enhanced Metric Collectors (Spike, Rampage Claw, Absolver, or Displacer). i point each, max of 2 | ii |
Metric Senders | Own Metric Senders (Coffin, Sarcophagus, Chrysalis, or Furnace). 1 point each, max of two | 2 |
Scanners | Own Scanners, one point each, max of ii. | 2 |
Siphons | Own siphons (Blood, Lumens, Cider, Ether, or Ichor). ane point each, max of 3. | three |
Bonds | Number of active bonds | Unlimited |
Vials | Owns whatever vials, 1 point for each blazon owned (Claret, Lumens, Ichor, or Ether), max two points | 2 |
Item Bonus | If you satisfy all of the to a higher place point sources, you volition become a ten-point "completion" bonus. Then, to get this bonus, you lot must take:
| 10 |
Royalty Status | Status: 3 for Vampire / Lycan / Affections / Demon / Elder up to twenty for Emperor / Empress | 20 |
Age | Number of Years since registration | Unlimited |
Achievements | Number of Achievements with at least one Level 5. (Max of 4 points from these achievement categories: Frenzy, Berserk, Ravenous, Soul Trader / Trafficker) | 64 |
Owned Soul Rarity Points
In addition, yous score a bespeak total for the rarity of the souls you own. These points are totaled up for all of the souls y'all own, and you tin find a number at the peak of your soul list that indicates your "rarity points". Likewise, there is a new stat ranking called Soul Rarity that ranks players by this bespeak total. If you click on the header of your soul listing on your contour, it will take yous to your complete soul listing, and give you a breakdown of how many points you're getting from each rarity class. This ranking gives you the opportunity to effort to collect rare souls and see if you tin can get the rarest collection of souls. In addition, yous tin try to increase the rarity ranking of your own soul in order to exist more valuable to collectors. The higher your rarity rating, the more points it adds to your soul keeper's Owned Soul Rarity Points. Meet the column "Soul Points" the table above, under "Rarity" for the point values of the various rarities.
Allies and Enemies
Through the Bloodlines web interface, family leaders can asking alliances with other families, and also designate enemy families. Yous tin set another family unit as your enemy without their blessing, simply in order to form an alliance, the target family must approve your alliance asking. If you set a family unit as an enemy, it will only bear witness up in your listing of enemies, not on theirs, unless they also set you as an enemy, in which case the enemy will exist listed on both profiles as "Mutual". You can remove an enemy that you lot have prepare at any time, and either part of an alliance can terminate the alliance at any time. Simply the family leaders can manage allies and enemies, simply we encourage you to agree your own internal discussions and negotiations for which families should exist considered allies and enemies.
You should receive an IM in-globe whenever whatsoever of the following happens: someone sets you every bit an enemy, someone removes you as an enemy, someone requests you lot as an ally, someone rejects or accepts your ally request, or someone removes you as an ally. When you receive notification that someone has requested you as an marry, y'all can log into the Bloodlines website and go to your family profile in order to accept or decline the request. If you accept the asking, and so your alliance will exist formed and yous will be listed nether allies on each other's profiles. If you lot reject the request, then the request is marked as rejected, but even so listed for both families in your "Pending Sent" tab for the requesting family unit, and in the "Pending Received" tab for the receiving family. Both families are given the selection to "Dismiss" this rejection listing, only if the receiving family unit dismisses the listing, the requesting family will be able to request you as an ally once more. If you lot want to forbid a family unit from sending you another asking, don't dismiss their rejection list. Information technology won't show on your public contour, it will just exist listed at the bottom of your "Pending Requests" tab equally rejected when you are logged in.
There is a limit of x alliances and ten enemies per family. Pending brotherhood requests count towards this limit for the requesting political party. This means that if you request x families as allies, you won't exist able to request any more unless y'all withdraw one of your requests. You can withdraw unanswered requests by going to your 'Pending sent' tab on your family profile.
Family Roles
Bloodlines clans (vampire leader), packs (lycan leader), hordes (hybrid leader), guilds (human leader), flights (angel leader) and legions (demon leader) are referred to in general equally "Families". Family Roles are versatile names and badges that can be defined by the Family leader. The Family leader tin can define roles by logging into the website at, and so selecting 'Edit Family unit Profile' from the dropdown that shows their Second Life name in the upper right of the site, and so using the 'Family Role's dropdown in the upper right of the edit profile page. There are 4 options on this dropdown:
- Edit Roles: use this option to view the list of roles that have been divers then far, delete roles, or change the society that the roles appear on the Family profile. To delete a role, press the delete button on the row of the role. To re-society roles, drag the order roles using the handle on the left side of the role, and then press the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page.
- Add together Role: use this option to add a new part. You can define the following fields for a role: Name, Clarification, and Badge. Badges are optional, merely if you choose to have a badge, you can use one of the default badges that we take provided, or y'all can upload your ain bluecoat image. Badges should be foursquare to prevent distortion when the image is candy.
- Members with Roles: utilise this option to view a list of members that accept been prepare to roles, and to remove a function from a member of your family.
- Set Member to Role: apply this selection to assign a member to a function.
When you assign a member to a role, the role proper noun and bluecoat will announced on their contour underneath the family keepsake. The list of roles will besides appear on the family profile in guild, and you lot can click on the role in the list of roles to view a roster of family members who are assigned to that role.
You can manage roles however you lot similar in your association. You can use them as awards or ranks for your own custom family achievements, or use them for organizational purposes. It's upward to you!
A Annotation On Drama & RP
As in whatever RP environment, in that location will exist conflict. Some mutual sources of disharmonize or drama in Bloodlines are:
- A soul being held 'hostage' for bribe or simply out of spite
- Association arguments, conflicts, battles
- Minion defection or 'clan hopping'
- Disputes over hunting of humans, souls/claret etc.
- Anger over the sending of bite requests
All of these sources of disharmonize can range from the 'normal' or expectable drama involved in RP, to the extreme - verbal corruption, griefing, hacking, etc. Due to the difficult nature of proving guilt or innocence in the virtual world it is not possible for staff to police force these types of conflicts. The exception to this is if the disharmonize occurs on a Bloodlines sim itself, in which case punishment may include warning, banning, or freezing of accounts. If yous feel that at whatever point a player'southward RP has crossed the line into harassment, we suggest filing an Abuse Report with Linden Labs.
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